Um pouco da minha história
Se eu morrer antes dos cem 100 anos não é morte natural, é homicidio, daí peço para o DEUS eterno purificar minha alma e restos mortais quando eu Flávio Augusto Ribeiro Evangelista morrer que um fogo com cinco mil 5.000 GRAUS célcio de temperatura, com uma chama de trezentos mil 300.000 quilômetros, queime meus restos mortais por sete dias para que todo mau que me contaminou seja banido para sempre e nenhum parte de mim permaneça neste planeta, assim seja para sempre em nome do Pai do Filho e do Espirito Santo Amém, em nome de Jesus o messias, Yêshua Há Mashya, pois a ele pertence os reinos, os poderes, e a glória para sempre, Amém.
Quando eu era criança, aprendi com minha avó materna Ana Maria que relações homossexuais é coisa do Demônio que para um homem perante DEUS não é lícito praticar sexo com outro homem. Ao lado da casa de minha Avó Ana Maria tinha um penhasco e um observatório Meteorológico , onde se reunia alguns usuários de drogas durante noite de lua cheia e quando estavam fumando maconha, minha avó sentia o cheiro da fumaça e falava para mim que aquilo era coisa do Demônio, fumar maconha é BRUXARIA e aquelas pessoas estavam enfeitiçada e fazendo feitiços com maconha, que aquele tipo de coisa eu não deveria praticar, pois não é pratica cristã. Já minha avó paterna Edite Costa me ensinou a ler e escrever pois é professora aposentada, ela sempre me ensinou cantando as palavras e as letras e sempre me perguntou se eu faria faculdade. Mas algumas pessoas diziam que quem estuda demais fica maluco e eu criança tinha medo de ficar maluco porque maluco sofre das faculdades mentais, outros diziam que me levaria no feiticeiro para roubar minha sorte e minha inteligência porque eu era muito inteligente e sortudo. Sempre tive o medo do escuro e de sonhar porque quase tudo que sonhava acontecia. Eu sempre tive medo de comida quando criança, temperos e condimentos sempre me causou falta de ar e espasmos respiratório, ouvi muita história infantil, como João e pé de feijão magico, branca de neve e os sete anões, os três porquinhos e lobo mau, e a bela adormecida que me deu uma visão ampla sobre a maldade das pessoas e traição, aqui vi com eu poderia ser drogado e envenenado por alguem assim como a bela adormecida foi pela bruxa envenenada. Tive vários problemas, alguns safados, pedófilos tentaram manter relações homossexuais comigo, mas sempre lembrei do ensinou minha avó Ana Maria e sempre fugi destas praticas. Teve um que chegou a me dar de beber chá de drogas para eu perder o controle e fazer sexo com ele, outros falavam imoralidades para mim, algumas garotas colegas minha diziam gostar mim mas minha Avó Ana maria expulsava elas da casa dela onde eu morava, da mesma forma os amigos. Passei minha infância inteira desejando ter meu próprio laboratório de pesquisas físicas, químicas mas jamais obtive, eu sempre me reunia com meus colegas para discutir ciências, política e religião. A família de minha mãe jamais deu valor nenhum para os estudos, já a família de meu pai vivia com os livros, minha vida escolar sempre foi uma bagunça, sempre sai da escola para viajar com meu avô Hermilino para algum lugar, ou porque meu pai não comprava meus livros para eu estudar. Já entre os quatorze (14) e dezoito (18) anos junto com alguns colegas pesquisando física montei alguns transmissores de radio AM FM ondas curtas, quase fomos presos pela policia federal, e num festa junina na Barroquinha em Caetité quando dançava com uma garota loira alguem me deu drogas em uma bebida daí fiquei pirado abandonei a festa e garota, a partia daí me tornei estranho, parece que fui morto bêbedo jogado num rio onde passei a noite fui achado por alguem tirado do rio, depois sai da casa da pessoa que me encontrou, andando feito um morto vivo, e ai minha mãe me encontrou na rua e me levou para casa, fui aqui que tudo ficou errado, fiquei muito violento, comecei falar palavrões, queria ver televisão até tarde, quando me impediam queria explodir a televisão, passei a ter notas ruins na escola, parei de sonhar porque desde desta época não lembro de nenhum sonho foi do ano 1982 há 1988 , fiquei apagado por seis meses sem saber para que ir a escola, depois fui até o médico psiquiatra, tomei alguns medicamentos fiquei um pouco melhor mas nuca mais obtive uma nota boa em matemática e minha escolar continua ruim até hoje. Na época que fui drogado foi época que o ex-governador Antônio Carlos Magalhães estava governado eu eu falei algumas coisas como era fácil descobrir os roubos do dinheiro do estado, e que era fazendo balanço patrimonial de políticos e empresas ligadas ao estado falei em transmissor de ondas curtas que montei suspeito que nesta época que começaram ficar de olho em mim. Comecei apostar na loteria para talvez ganhar algum prêmio e investir nos meus projetos de irrigação e maquinas, mas por nunca ganhar nem receber nada, tenho desconfiando que existe algo errado com as loterias, que alguem manipula por isto é difícil ganhar ou somente alguns grupos ganham. Hoje ano de dois mil e dez 2010 DC tenho medo que alguem me mate como a bruxa fez com a bela adormecida pois apesar de escapar de algumas mortes existe pessoas de olho em mim, malignas que pensam em calar minha boca falência de órgãos não existe, eles dão um coquetel bactérias e provoca a falência de órgãos com a bruxa da bela adormecida e ai não levanta suspeitas, porque é só uma doença. Minha vida tem mais mistérios, do que falei aqui.
A bit of my story
If I die before one hundred 100 years is not natural death, is murder, then pray for the eternal God and cleanse my soul remains when I die Flávio Augusto Ribeiro Evangelista a fire with five thousand 5000 DEGREES Celcio temperature, with a flame three hundred thousand 300,000 km, burn my remains for seven days for every evil that has infected me to be banned forever and no part of me stay on this planet, so be forever in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen, in name of Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua There Mashya because it belongs to the kingdoms, powers, and the glory forever, Amen
When I was a kid, I learned from my maternal grandmother Anna Maria that homosexual sex is a thing of the devil than for a man before God is not lawful to have sex with another man. Beside the house of my grandmother Anna Maria was a cliff and a Meteorological Observatory, where he met some drug users during a full moon and when they were smoking pot, my grandmother could smell the smoke and talked to me that this was something Demon, smoking marijuana and witches and those people were bewitched and doing spells with marijuana, that kind of thing I should not practice, because practice is not Christian. Since my paternal grandmother Edite Costa taught me to read and write because it is a retired teacher, she always taught me singing the words, letters and always asked me if I do college. But some people said that those who study other kid goes crazy and I was afraid of going crazy because crazy suffers mental faculties, others said it would take me into the wizard to steal my luck and my intelligence because I was very smart and lucky. I was always afraid of the dark and dream because almost everything that dream happen. I was always afraid of food as a child, and condiments always caused me shortness of breath and respiratory spasms, I heard a lot of children's story, as John and magic beanstalk, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the three little pigs and big bad wolf,Sleeping Beauty and that gave me a broad view of the wickedness and treachery of people here I could be seen with drugged and poisoned by someone like the sleeping beauty was poisoned by the witch. I had several problems, some kinky, homosexual pedophiles tried to keep me, but always remembered my grandmother taught Ana Maria and always ran these practices. There was one who came to give me to drink tea drugs to lose control and I have sex with him, other immoralities spoke to me, my colleagues said some girls like me but my grandmother Ana Maria banished them from her house where I lived just as friends. I spent my whole childhood longing to have my own research laboratory physical, chemical, but never got, I always meet with my colleagues to discuss science, politics and religion. The family of my mother ever gave no value for the studies, since my father's family lived on the books, my school was always a mess, always out of school to travel with my grandfather Hermilino somewhere, or because my father not buying my books for me to study. Among the fourteen (14) and eighteen (18) years along with some colleagues researching physical rode some radio transmitters AM FM shortwave, we were nearly arrested by federal police, and a Jerk in Barroquinha in Caetité when dancing with a blonde girl someone gave me drugs into a drink then I abandoned the crazy party girl and, from there I became a stranger, it seems that I was dead drunk thrown into a river where I spent the night was found by someone drawn from the river, then left the house of the person I found it, walking like a living dead, and there my mother found me on the street and took me home, I was where it all went wrong, I was very violent, I swear, I watch TV until late, when I wanted to snap prevented the television, I had bad grades in school, I stopped dreaming for since this time I do not remember any dreams in the year 1982 there was 1988, I was off for six months without knowing who to go to school, then went to the psychiatrist, I some medications I was a little better but never got one more good math grade and my school still bad today. I was drugged at the time was the time that the former governor Antonio Carlos Magalhães was ruled a few things I said I was easy to discover the theft of state money, and who was doing the balance sheet of politicians and companies linked to the state spoke in transmitter shortwave who rode suspect that this time they began to keep an eye on me. I started to play the lottery maybe win a prize and invest in my projects and irrigation machines, but never win or get anything, I'm suspecting that there is something wrong with the lottery, someone who handles this is difficult to gain or earn only a few groups . Today, two thousand years in December 2010 DC I'm afraid that somebody kill me as the witch did to Sleeping Beauty because despite the escape of some deaths of people there look at me, thinking that malignant silence in my mouth organ failure does not exist they provide a bacteria cocktail and causes organ failure with the witch sleeping beauty and there is not suspicious because it's just a disease. My life has more mysteries than I said here.
When I was a kid, I learned from my maternal grandmother Anna Maria that homosexual sex is a thing of the devil than for a man before God is not lawful to have sex with another man. Beside the house of my grandmother Anna Maria was a cliff and a Meteorological Observatory, where he met some drug users during a full moon and when they were smoking pot, my grandmother could smell the smoke and talked to me that this was something Demon, smoking marijuana and witches and those people were bewitched and doing spells with marijuana, that kind of thing I should not practice, because practice is not Christian. Since my paternal grandmother Edite Costa taught me to read and write because it is a retired teacher, she always taught me singing the words, letters and always asked me if I do college. But some people said that those who study other kid goes crazy and I was afraid of going crazy because crazy suffers mental faculties, others said it would take me into the wizard to steal my luck and my intelligence because I was very smart and lucky. I was always afraid of the dark and dream because almost everything that dream happen. I was always afraid of food as a child, and condiments always caused me shortness of breath and respiratory spasms, I heard a lot of children's story, as John and magic beanstalk, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the three little pigs and big bad wolf,Sleeping Beauty and that gave me a broad view of the wickedness and treachery of people here I could be seen with drugged and poisoned by someone like the sleeping beauty was poisoned by the witch. I had several problems, some kinky, homosexual pedophiles tried to keep me, but always remembered my grandmother taught Ana Maria and always ran these practices. There was one who came to give me to drink tea drugs to lose control and I have sex with him, other immoralities spoke to me, my colleagues said some girls like me but my grandmother Ana Maria banished them from her house where I lived just as friends. I spent my whole childhood longing to have my own research laboratory physical, chemical, but never got, I always meet with my colleagues to discuss science, politics and religion. The family of my mother ever gave no value for the studies, since my father's family lived on the books, my school was always a mess, always out of school to travel with my grandfather Hermilino somewhere, or because my father not buying my books for me to study. Among the fourteen (14) and eighteen (18) years along with some colleagues researching physical rode some radio transmitters AM FM shortwave, we were nearly arrested by federal police, and a Jerk in Barroquinha in Caetité when dancing with a blonde girl someone gave me drugs into a drink then I abandoned the crazy party girl and, from there I became a stranger, it seems that I was dead drunk thrown into a river where I spent the night was found by someone drawn from the river, then left the house of the person I found it, walking like a living dead, and there my mother found me on the street and took me home, I was where it all went wrong, I was very violent, I swear, I watch TV until late, when I wanted to snap prevented the television, I had bad grades in school, I stopped dreaming for since this time I do not remember any dreams in the year 1982 there was 1988, I was off for six months without knowing who to go to school, then went to the psychiatrist, I some medications I was a little better but never got one more good math grade and my school still bad today. I was drugged at the time was the time that the former governor Antonio Carlos Magalhães was ruled a few things I said I was easy to discover the theft of state money, and who was doing the balance sheet of politicians and companies linked to the state spoke in transmitter shortwave who rode suspect that this time they began to keep an eye on me. I started to play the lottery maybe win a prize and invest in my projects and irrigation machines, but never win or get anything, I'm suspecting that there is something wrong with the lottery, someone who handles this is difficult to gain or earn only a few groups . Today, two thousand years in December 2010 DC I'm afraid that somebody kill me as the witch did to Sleeping Beauty because despite the escape of some deaths of people there look at me, thinking that malignant silence in my mouth organ failure does not exist they provide a bacteria cocktail and causes organ failure with the witch sleeping beauty and there is not suspicious because it's just a disease. My life has more mysteries than I said here.
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