Mentiras e verdades sobre o fim da aguas na terra
Por Flávio Augusto Ribeiro Evangelista
Estudo GEOGRAFIA desde criança e sei do ciclo das aguas.
O que vai acabar com agua do planeta terra? A agua do da terra pode acabar? Porque? Como?
Porque você lava a calçada de sua casa NÂO. Porque demora embaixo do chuveiro NÂO. Porque você lava seu carro, NÃO. Então Porque ?
Toda agua que é jogada na terra segui o ciclo natural de transformação, que é a agua cai na terra é evaporada, transformada em nuvens, que se transforma em chuvas, orvalhos, umidade do ar, neve, granizo e toda agua volta para terra liquida em forma de chuvas e orvalho, solida em forma de granizo e neve, pura sem mistura.
Qual a verdade sobre o fim das aguas ?
O fim das será causado pela poluição por lixo e esgoto, os esgotos jogados nos córregos, rios lagos, lagoas, mares e oceanos, junto co lixo solido. Toda agua juntamente com lixo e esgoto sofre um processo químico irreversível e se transforma em petróleo sob ação das bactérias do inferno anaeróbias termófilas e a agua jamais volta a ser agua, quanto mais lixo e esgoto for misturado com as aguas teremos menos agua.
E por separarem o hidrogênio e oxigênio da agua para fabricação de produtos químicos e combustível de foguete que vai para o espaço. Da mesma forma as aguas levadas para estações espaciais que nuca, jamais volta para terra.
As outras são as queimadas dos restos vegetais e o desmatamento, das florestas, matas ciliares das nascentes dos riachos, rio, lagos, lagoas. Porque tanto as arvores vivas quanto os restos das arvores mortas protege a umidade solo solo e da atmosfera, morta no solo é como esponja retendo agua e como isolante térmico, as arvores vivas, faz na atmosfera a úmida relativa do ar, que é agua da evapotranspiração das arvores.
A primeira solução é estação de tratamento de esgoto em todos municípios, povoados e cidades em toda parte em todos países, tanto na zona urbana como na zona rural. Esta é a solução aqui para o planeta terra.
A segunda solução para o espaço, estações espaciais, viagens espaciais é montar, desenvolver, criar maquinas de fabricar agua a partir da FUSÃO de varias energia e da radiação nuclear, fabricar átomos e dos átomos fabricar agua.
Se alguem não concorda com meu ponto de vista, não me crucifique, não me queime numa fogueira como na idade média, já estamos no século XXI 21.
Obrigado !
Lies and truths about the end of the ground waters
By Flávio Augusto Ribeiro Evangelista
GEOGRAPHY study as a child and I know the cycle of the waters.
What will end up with water on the planet earth? The water in the Earth could end? Why? How? As you wash the driveway of his home NO. Because delay in the shower NO. Why do you wash your car, NO. So Why? Any water that is thrown on the ground to follow the natural cycle of transformation, which is the water falls on land is evaporated, turned into clouds, which turns into rain, dew, humidity, snow, hail and all water settles back to earth in the form of rain and dew, in solid form of sleet and snow, pure unmixed.
What is the truth about the end of the water?
The end of the pollution is caused by garbage and sewage, the sewage dumped in streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, seas and oceans, with solid waste co. All water along with garbage and sewage undergoes a chemical process becomes irreversible and oil under the action of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria from hell and the water never returns to water, the more garbage and sewage is mixed with the water will have less water.
And by separating hydrogen and oxygen from water for the manufacture of chemicals and fuel that will rocket into space. Likewise the water to space stations that carried his neck, never returns to earth. The others are the burning of crop residues and logging of forests, riparian forests of the headwaters of streams, river, lakes, ponds. Because both the trees alive as the remains of dead trees protects the soil moisture soil and air, dead on the ground is like sponge retaining water and as insulation, the trees alive, is in the humid atmosphere of air, which is the waterevapotranspiration of the trees.
The first solution is the sewage treatment plant in all cities, towns and cities everywhere in all countries, both in urban as in rural areas. This here is the solution to the planet earth.
The second solution for space, space stations, space travel is to assemble, develop, build machines to produce water from the merger of several energy and nuclear radiation, manufacturing atoms and atoms make water.
If someone does not agree with my point of view, not crucify me, I do not burn like a bonfire in the middle ages, we are in the 21st century.
By Flávio Augusto Ribeiro Evangelista
GEOGRAPHY study as a child and I know the cycle of the waters.
What will end up with water on the planet earth? The water in the Earth could end? Why? How? As you wash the driveway of his home NO. Because delay in the shower NO. Why do you wash your car, NO. So Why? Any water that is thrown on the ground to follow the natural cycle of transformation, which is the water falls on land is evaporated, turned into clouds, which turns into rain, dew, humidity, snow, hail and all water settles back to earth in the form of rain and dew, in solid form of sleet and snow, pure unmixed.
What is the truth about the end of the water?
The end of the pollution is caused by garbage and sewage, the sewage dumped in streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, seas and oceans, with solid waste co. All water along with garbage and sewage undergoes a chemical process becomes irreversible and oil under the action of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria from hell and the water never returns to water, the more garbage and sewage is mixed with the water will have less water.
And by separating hydrogen and oxygen from water for the manufacture of chemicals and fuel that will rocket into space. Likewise the water to space stations that carried his neck, never returns to earth. The others are the burning of crop residues and logging of forests, riparian forests of the headwaters of streams, river, lakes, ponds. Because both the trees alive as the remains of dead trees protects the soil moisture soil and air, dead on the ground is like sponge retaining water and as insulation, the trees alive, is in the humid atmosphere of air, which is the waterevapotranspiration of the trees.
The first solution is the sewage treatment plant in all cities, towns and cities everywhere in all countries, both in urban as in rural areas. This here is the solution to the planet earth.
The second solution for space, space stations, space travel is to assemble, develop, build machines to produce water from the merger of several energy and nuclear radiation, manufacturing atoms and atoms make water.
If someone does not agree with my point of view, not crucify me, I do not burn like a bonfire in the middle ages, we are in the 21st century.
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