Tweetar Quem realmente sou = Who I really am: History - Age of darkness and who is GOD - História - Idade das trevas e quem é DEUS

Quem sou eu = Who am I

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Santo Antônio de Jesus = Saint Antony of Jesus, Bahia, Brazil
Um grande Curioso.Estudante e prestador de Serviços Gerais - conheço drogas e alcool mas nunca fiquei viciado em nenhuma dessas coisas até hoje AGORA ON LINE LIVE AT MOMENT = A large curious. Student and General Services provider - I know drugs and alcohol but I was never addicted to any of these things until today NOW ON IN THIS MOMENT

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

History - Age of darkness and who is GOD - História - Idade das trevas e quem é DEUS

In the history of mankind existed in the dark ages. If you prefer readers can exchange the word for the words GOD Jehovah Adonai Yahweh.Historians say that the Dark Ages was the period where there was total ignorance about mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, cosmology, space, illiteracy of the people.
I already reading and looking back, I see that the dark ages is not only limited to the total ignorance of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, cosmology, space, illiteracy of the people.
Relating the story of several people, its decadence, extinction of languages and dialects of ancient peoples with the stories of the Holy Bible Jewish Christian, called the Bible of the Catholics, Christians, Evangelicals, Protestants and Christians.
Now I understand that "Dark Ages" literally and believe in is having more than one God, and disobeying the ethical and moral principles outlined in the ten (10) commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai ancient history of Israel, which are codes of "law Legislation and "added to the total ignorance of math, chemistry, physics, biology, cosmology, space, illiteracy of the people, following a hierarchy.
I Flávio Augusto Ribeiro 
Evangelista that  conclude.
The Future of all are the decisions and attitudes THIS, built on the foundations, the foundations of the PAST.
I believe in God, who is GOD.
Most humans do not understand the person GOD, do not know who God is, understandably, does not discern what is God.
Conclude. Not knowing God is darkness.
Who can be considered a GOD?
Only one absolute being can be
God. Why?
 God can not be a matter. A God can not grow old. A God can not die. A God can not reproduce itself, can create more Titans, Saints, mutants with psychic powers. A God can not be a statue still, not talking, not seeing, not thinking, not heard, not felt. A God can not be manipulated, controlled by any other being or creature.
So no matter how physical animal, vegetable or mineral can be God, but all matter, form, body, substance may present, to testify in favor of existence, the presence of the "UNIVERSE" because God is all the fruit of their labor. Therefore no matter, body, shape, substance, physical, animal, vegetable or mineral can be adored, worshiped, revered because it is manipulated, a product of science. So who is God? How is God.
He is the Living God, the Eternal brightness contrast, Contrast Infinity, The Absolute, the Creator of the Universe 'that we know, and multi-quantum universes in every atom in every atom, the creator of everything and everyone all things. 
GOD is like the movie called Star Wars "The Force".
God is an immortal. A God is omniscient. A God is omnipresent. A GOD is Omnipotent.
The Powers and the forces of God are infinite, so I will cite some examples.
1 - Telekinesis, Psychokinesis of God is the Universal Gravitation. 
2 - Clairvoyance, see all past, present, future and control them. Omniscience.
3 - Transmutation, may take any form, turn into any body, any substance, or give any of your creations or creatures, one of his powers, without losing its original essence and absolute control them His main form image and perfect likeness and original here on planet earth is the human being. OMNIPRESENCE.
4 - Transcendence, like quantum particles that fills the entire macro universe outside of bodies and space throughout the universe in equal each other corresponding to the interior micro, nano, pico hyperspace, cellular, molecular, atomic, subatomic all the bodies , materials, substances, creatures, creations and controls them, and automates them. 
5 - Pyrokinesis, create fire with your mind, God created the fire of the stars, our sun a nuclear reactor control it. OMNIPOTENCE.
Eletrocinese, build strength through the mind's power, electricity, magnetism, radiation and control it. OMNIPRESENCE.
God is all life, all life is all dynamics of the universe. 
GOD is the whole life of the universe.Lifetime of all the universe is dynamic .. The whole dynamic is physics, chemistry, organic.
So the whole dynamics of the universe is God in action, and life is not only organic beings, but the dynamics of universal gravitation, stellar, planetary, lunar, the cellular, molecular, atomic, space, chemistry, physics, organic, electrical, electronic, thermal, magnetic, dynamic mineral, animal, vegetable. 
GOD is the "Universe" but the "UNIVERSE" is not God, and nothing beyond that.

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