Tweetar Quem realmente sou = Who I really am: Porque é que estão falando que sou louco=Why are you saying that I am crazy

Quem sou eu = Who am I

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Santo Antônio de Jesus = Saint Antony of Jesus, Bahia, Brazil
Um grande Curioso.Estudante e prestador de Serviços Gerais - conheço drogas e alcool mas nunca fiquei viciado em nenhuma dessas coisas até hoje AGORA ON LINE LIVE AT MOMENT = A large curious. Student and General Services provider - I know drugs and alcohol but I was never addicted to any of these things until today NOW ON IN THIS MOMENT

quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

Porque é que estão falando que sou louco=Why are you saying that I am crazy

Porque é que estão falando que sou louco=Why are you saying that I am crazy
Olha, eu só quero o bem-estar e prosperidade, o povo, erradicar a pobreza e acabar com a pobreza, tanto para mim e para todos e não ser perseguido. Há um contingente muito grande de pessoas no mundo malgnas, corruptos, mentirosos ciumento, que estão constantemente praticando crime Casal ruim e fingir que os santos são bons e responsáveis, mas que estão escondidos atrás das paredes, onde as pessoas não podem vê-los, eles são lobos vestidos de cordeiro, como está escrito na Bíblia. Flávio Augusto Evangelista Brook fiz meus e-mails, meus blogs;, mas os criminosos, os criminosos corruptos. Movidos por uma grande inveja para si depois, apropiada ilegalmente, posando como gênios, ou apenas roubar para se preocupar, eles começaram a espalhar mentiras dizendo que eu sou agora, às vezes menor, oras dizendo que eu sou louco, as pessoas não sabem que estão são os meus pais , ou quem são meus parceiros, eu não posso me defender porque é um bando muito grande ricos e poderosos, eles compram o poder e autoridade, e se alguém investigar negar tudo. Eu suspeito que o que eles estão eu quero fazer um tolo de mim mesmo para criar projetos e doar máquinas e eles ganham dinheiro, e me colocou sob detenção em um hospital ao mesmo tempo ganhando dinheiro com meus projetos, idéias e conceitos.
Look I just want the Welfare and Prosperity, the people, eradicate poverty and ending poverty, both for me and for all and not be persecuted. There is a very large contingent of people in the world malgnas, corrupt, jealous liars, who are constantly practicing couple bad crime and pretend that Saints are good and responsible, but what are hidden behind the walls where people can not see them, they are wolves dressed as lamb, as is written in the bible. Flávio Augusto Evangelista Brook I did my emails, my blogs;, but criminals, corrupt criminals. Moved by a great envy for itself after, apropiada illegally, posing as geniuses, or just steal to bother, they started spreading lies saying that I am now sometimes minor, oras saying I'm crazy, people do not know that lie are my parents, or who are my partners, I can not defend myself because it is a very large gang rich and powerful, they buy power and authority, and if someone investigate deny everything. I suspect that what they are I want to make a fool of myself for creating projects and to donate machines and they make money, and put me under arrest in a hospice while earning money with my projects, ideas and concepts. Just as the Lord lived and died Leonardo da Vinci; unleavened The Brazilian Alberto Santos Dumont FORM others by the same geniuses who have enriched humanity, described below. Wilhelm Schickard built the first mechanical calculator (1623) - James Watts developed the steam engine (1765) - Eli Whitney invented a machine to desencaroçar cotton (1793) - The Italian physicist Alessandro Volta developed the first battery (1800) - Samuel Morse created and registered the patent for the telegraph (1837) - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone (1876) - Thomas Alva Edison and Joseph Swan invented the light bulb (1879) - The German Karl Goods developed the first vehicle with a gasoline engine (1885) - The Lumière brothers created the cinematography, history of cinema (1895) - Invention of the radio by the Italian Guglielmo Marconi (1901) - Brazilian Santos Dumont made the first flight with the 14a (1906) - Vannevar Bush invented the analog computer (1930) - The English engineer Frank Whittle created the jet (1941). - Motorola has released the first walkie-talkie (1943). - Development of computer electronics, called ENIAC (1946) - Invention of the transistor, a key to the development of electronic equipment (1947) - Launch of the first pager (1956) - Development of Fortran, the first programming language of computers (1956) - Launch of Telstar I, the first communication satellite (1962) - With military objectives, was created Arpanet network that would lead to the Internet (1969) - Creation of Pong, the first game (1972) - Entered into operation on Compuserve, the first online network of computers (1977) - Philips and Sony released the CD-Rom (1984) - Entered into operation a system of fiber optics, transmitting data files in speed never seen before (1985) - Tim Berners-Lee created the Internet (1990) - Creation of the first digital books (1998)

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