Tweetar Quem realmente sou = Who I really am: Mini trator arando a terra = Mini tractor plowing How to plow your garden with a compact tractor

Quem sou eu = Who am I

Minha foto
Santo Antônio de Jesus = Saint Antony of Jesus, Bahia, Brazil
Um grande Curioso.Estudante e prestador de Serviços Gerais - conheço drogas e alcool mas nunca fiquei viciado em nenhuma dessas coisas até hoje AGORA ON LINE LIVE AT MOMENT = A large curious. Student and General Services provider - I know drugs and alcohol but I was never addicted to any of these things until today NOW ON IN THIS MOMENT

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

Mini trator arando a terra = Mini tractor plowing How to plow your garden with a compact tractor

Sou bisneto de agricultores, neto de agricultores filho de um agricultor que abandonou a roça, e tenho meu sonho de morar na roça por isto é que desde criança quero minis tratores para agricultura familiar, para pouca terra pois tudo que cultiva é dinheiro que esta sendo cultivando. = I am a great-grandson of farmers, the grandson of farmers son of a farmer who left the farm and have my dream of living on the farm for this is that since children want to minis to family farming tractors, little land for farming because it is money that is being farming. = I am a great-grandson of farmers, the grandson of farmers son of a farmer who left the farm, and I have my dream to die on the farm for this is That since children want to minis to family farming tractors, little land is farming because it is money that is being wellness farming.

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